
Global Perspectives on Virtual Teaching, Learning, and Socioemotional Care

The webinar features global perspectives from an esteemed panelist from South Africa and the U.S. discussing the topic of virtual teaching, learning, and social-emotional care during the pandemic.

Global Teachers Institute (GTI)

In 2012, in partnership with our core South African partner the LEAP Science and Maths Schools, TWA launched the Global Teachers Institute (GTI). The GTI aims to strengthen teacher capacity in South Africa and across the world by transforming the way we train teachers. The GTI works with student teachers, current faculty, school leaders, and education organizations globally to refocus teacher training and professional development on ideas of personal growth and social change.

Partners: Creating A Better Future 

Teach With Africa and LEAP School of Science and Maths partner for an empowering exchange of teaching, learning, and sharing between the United States and South Africa to improve education equality. By Karen Kirsch Page